CMC Europe’s priorities are established and overseen by its membership. As a group we seek to craft consensus and substantive positions on policy and issues affecting our members as commercial market participants. We welcome ideas and input from all members and encourage members to lead on activities concerning policy and issues they designate of particular importance.
A group of interested members will be briefed by our team of government relations and legal advisors on a relevant issue in draft legislation or regulation or emerging in actions by regulators. The group will assess membership interests, consult the wider membership as appropriate and instruct the team of government relations and legal advisors to prepare analysis, positions and activities plans as needed.
Advocacy and lobbying activities are directed by the membership with the assistance of the CMC President and our government relations and legal advisors. Activities may include written submissions, private briefings, presentations and meetings with European legislators, national and European policy makers and regulators, as well as participation in EU institution expert groups.
CMC Europe works closely with sector-specific and other industry and informal groups on issues of common interest. Industry association collaborators include Europe’s main grain industry, vegetable oil and protein meal industry, food producer, upstream and downstream oil, power and gas trading groups as well as various financial industry associations.
The activities, financing and operations of CMC Europe are overseen by an eight-member steering group (the CMCE Executive Committee) comprised of nominees from the membership and which includes the CMCE Europe Exco. Chair and Vice-Chair. The CMCE secretariat and team of government relations and legal advisors report regularly to the steering group.